Wednesday, November 14, 2012

 Between Heaven and Hell

Narrated Abu Ayyash al-Qathan, he says, there was a king whose wealth abound.
He just has a daughter who is very lovable and loved. The king is very pampering beloved daughter with property farrago. And that lasted for a long time.
While the side of it there is a worship. And when one night he read the Qur'an, his voice rising as he read the following verse, "O you who have believed, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones." (Surah at-Tahrim: 6).
When the server is listening, he's reminding neighbors. "Stop!" However, the devout (the worshiper) still continue and even to repeat reading the text. The server continues to remind the devout stop reading the text. However, that does not stop the devout.
Heard this verse, the daughter of the king put his hand into the bag while tearing his shirt. Then, the server came to the king, as he described what happened.
King also found the fruit itself. "Alas dear, what happened to you since yesterday? What menyebabkanmu crying? "Said the king.
The princess answered the queries. "Wallahi (by Allah), ananda want to ask my father, 'Did God have a house in which there is a fire whose fuel is people and rocks?" The king mengiyakannya.
"So what kept my father to tell it to me? Wallahi, ananda can not eat the delicious and can not sleep with a twist, reach nYou know where my future residence; in heaven or hell? "
Query thrill enough. Yes, when someone living in luxury gelimang, especially in the current glorified material in such a way as to be the pros and cons of a parameter.
Then, emerging awareness of the existence of heaven and hell, then it becomes a gift and an endless guidance. Because a variety of aberrant behavior, among other things, triggered because someone forgot heaven and hell.
Fear of hell and heaven is the faith misses a very important and this gave us confidence that punctuate human life. Among friends, many who willingly sacrifice anything, including his soul, to gain heaven. For example, Umair bin Hamam, martyred in the battle of Badr, and Amr bin Jamuh a fall in the battle of Uhud. The second friend is promised paradise by the Prophet as wide as the heavens and the earth.
If the Prophet also said, "The Pilgrimage Mabrur, no consideration for it except heaven," (HR Bukhari and Muslim), seyogianya it inspire the pilgrims (Hujjaj) to continue misses heaven, so that come from it are the properties of heaven.
Commensurate with the longing for heaven is the fear of hell. Many friends and shalafush-Salih already mencontohkannya. With the condition of the soul like this, hopefully it can push someone to do as much as possible and faintest muffled sin.


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